A proposed resolution to define a formal name for the Calabrian dialect group.

Discussion in 'Organisation Administration' started by paul, 28 July 2017.

  1. paul

    paul is a Verified Memberpaul Member Staff Member Standardisation Committee

    A resolution is proposed to define a formal name for the Calabrian dialect group.

    The complete descriptive name: "Calabrian dialect group of the Calabro-Sicilian-Salentino family of dialects, as recognised as Sicilian language."

    However, for practical purposes, the forms "Calabrian dialects of Sicilian language", "Calabrian (Sicilian)" or "CAL (SCN)" are preferred

    It is the opinion of the Cadèmia that a formal vote should be taken to finalise the choice between Calabrian (SCN) and Sicilian (CAL) at some point in the future.

    Please discuss, a map will be attached to define the formal range of the dialect groups.

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